We have all felt it…
Our heart races, hands get shaky, we feel like we are going to throw up. We are paralyzed with indecision and fear. We feel like we are going to explode. We become depressed. The same thoughts rumble through our minds like a tyrant.
In fact, anxiety IS a tyrant! It makes us comply to its ridiculous rules, tortures us by making our bodies feel terrible and captures our thoughts so we do not have the freedom to do what we want and need to do.
The bad news - anxiety is here to stay. We can try to ignore it, rationalize with it, numb it with medication or other substances, try to appease it by feeding it what it wants. The problem is that those things don’t work, at least not long-term.
The very good news - you can manage this! By learning some simple tools both children and adults can learn to tame the tyrant and live to be who they were created to be!